Meet the Gals

The idea for the “Looney Luther­ans” was cooked up in 2006 when the found­ing mem­bers were appear­ing in the cast of the hit musi­cal Church Base­ment Ladies. The com­pa­ny has now expand­ed to include addi­tion­al “Loonies,” but all of these tal­ent­ed women have been per­form­ing for years as pro­fes­sion­al actress­es, writ­ers, singers and impro­vis­ers. As the Looney Luther­ans they have appeared around the coun­try at dozens of fairs and fes­ti­vals, have helped host numer­ous fundrais­ers and cel­e­bra­tions, and have enter­tained at a vari­ety of expos, church and com­mu­ni­ty events. Meet the actress­es who play the gals!

Greta Grosch

Greta Grosch 

Own­er and Found­ing Member

Robbie Mancina

Robbie Mancina 

Found­ing Member

Dorian Chalmers

Dorian Chalmers 

Found­ing Member

Jen Maren

Jen Maren 

Looney since 2012 

Tina North

Tina North 

Looney since 2013

Patty Mathews

Patty Mathews 

Looney since 2014

Kym Chambers

Kym Chambers 

Looney since 2015

Ann Whiting

Ann Whiting 

Looney since 2017

Bethany McCade 

Looney since 2018

Lauren Drasler 

Looney since 2019

Tara Borman 

Looney since 2023

Have anoth­er cup of cof­fee and click on our pho­tos to learn more about the loonies who por­tray the Looney Lutherans.