About the Shows

Who Are the Looney Lutherans?

The Looney Luther­ans are a trio of wacky gals who use music, com­e­dy and some help from the audi­ence to share their age-old wis­dom for liv­ing a long, hap­py life the Luther­an way. They offer a vari­ety of shows and show lengths and can also help host your event or fundrais­er. Orig­i­nal mate­r­i­al is musi­cal, inter­ac­tive and fam­i­ly friend­ly — and you don’t have to be Luther­an to love it! 

Basic Show

For shows 30 — 60 min.

The Looney Luther­ans share tips from their (fic­tion­al) cook­book and lifestyle guide: “Use Your Food. A guide to healthy liv­ing inside and out. From our kitchen to yours. Eat Like a Luther­an!” Using items from your very own home you can have a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy heart, the Luther­an Way. Seg­ments include the Luther­an “food wheel” (all roads lead to hot­dish) and handy beau­ty tips. Audi­ence mem­bers may also be invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in a home­spun exer­cise rou­tine or to com­pete for cans of corn in the game POTLUCK.

The Loonies can also provide 75–90 min shows with an optional intermission.

Suggested for a First Visit

LIVIN’ LA VIDA LUTHERAN: Looney Lifestyle tips for Live­li­er Living

In Livin’ La Vida Luther­an (aka “Livin’ the Life”), the Loonies expand on their basic show by intro­duc­ing the “6HHP” (the 6 “Hap­py Heart” petals) Inspired by the Ricky Mar­tin song Livin’ La Vida Loca, the Looney Luther­ans share their unique tips for liv­ing a live­li­er life. Seg­ments include the Menopause Med­ley and Luther­an Yoga, and you don’t have to be Luther­an to love ‘em!

Suggested for a Repeat Visit

YOUNG(ish) AT HEART: Still Looney after all these years.

While get­ting old­er can some­times be a lit­er­al “pain in the neck”, laugh­ter real­ly is good med­i­cine. Cel­e­brate being YOUNG(ish) AT HEART with the Looney Luther­ans — because age ain’t noth­ing but a num­ber. Seg­ments include the game show What’s In Your Lunch­box? (host­ed by your favorite lun­cheon meat); musi­cal advice for deal­ing with aches and pains; and some cre­ative tips for keep­ing fit — because Jel­lo isn’t the only thing that jiggles.

Holiday Show

HOLD THE LUTEFISK, It’s Begin­ning to Smell a Lot Like Christmas

When you want an old-fash­ioned Looney Christ­mas you know who to turn to — the musi­cal, mer­ry, menopausal mem­bers of the Looney Luther­ans! This trio of warm, wit­ty women help the audi­ence enjoy the spir­it of the sea­son by shar­ing tips for sur­viv­ing the hol­i­days, the Luther­an way. (But you don’t have to be Luther­an to ben­e­fit from their sage advice!) Seg­ments include let­ters to San­ta, Christ­mas Cha­rades, and maybe even a vis­it from Saint Nick himself!

The Loonies go Country! (new in 2022)

HOTDISH ON THE RANGE: All hat. No cattle.

Gid­dyup! With so many requests for return vis­its, in 2022 the Looney Luther­ans hopped back in the sad­dle with this coun­try and cow­boy themed show. Seg­ments include “Cow­boy Up” (prac­ti­cal tips for liv­ing off the land), Luther­an cow­boy-ish wis­dom, and hilar­i­ous par­o­dies of clas­sic coun­try songs like, “I’m Falling to Pieces.”

Another Holiday Show — new for 2023


The Looney Luther­ans alter­nate Hol­i­day pre­miered at the Ames Cen­ter in Novem­ber 2023 and ran for 6 weeks. Audi­ences loved the new “Trav­el Med­ley” and the search for the real San­ta Claus.

Technical Needs

Sound: The Looney Luther­ans use 3 wire­less, hands-free micro­phones and a dig­i­tal play­back device (ipod) for sound cues. The Looney Luther­ans can use the venue’s micro­phones or patch into the venue’s sys­tem. The Looney Luther­ans can also pro­vide their own portable sound sys­tem, good for small­er venues.

Light­ing: The Loonies have no spe­cif­ic light­ing needs. Gen­er­al stage light­ing and some house lights are adequate.

Stag­ing needs: The Looney Luther­ans are high­ly inter­ac­tive so stag­ing needs are flex­i­ble. An open stag­ing area aprox 15’ x 9’ (min­i­mum), raised or not raised as venue dic­tates, allows for max­i­mum audi­ence participation.

Oth­er: The Loonies use a table (6 — 8 ft) on stage for show props.

The Characters

Looney Lutheran: Ginger

Our res­i­dent food expert, Looney life coach, and mas­ter­mind of the Luther­an Food Wheel, Gin­ger loves food so much she mar­ried a man named Herb.

Looney Lutheran: Bella

Ital­ian by birth, Luther­an by mar­riage, Bel­la is the own­er, oper­a­tor, CEO, per­son­al train­er, and client at a local exer­cise fran­chise. Her exer­cise rou­tine can be per­formed any­time, anywhere.

Looney Lutheran: Lois

The emcee of the group, Lois is pas­sion­ate about recy­cling and is excit­ed to share with you some of her Luther­an beau­ty tips that use items from your very own kitchen. 

The Looney Lutherans