Looney Events

Where we’re going:

Click HERE to view our full event cal­en­dar on our Face­book page.

Don’t have Facebook? Here’s a list:


Jan 3: Sanc­tu­ary Events Cen­ter, Far­go, ND

Jan 4: Mer­lin Weed Asso­ci­a­tion Con­fer­ence, Bis­mar­ck, ND

Jan 6: St Otto’s Care Cen­ter, Lit­tle Falls, MN

Jan 21: Valen­tine, NE

Jan 23: Faith Luther­an, Coon Rapids, MN

Jan 27: Shakopee Com­mu­ni­ty Ed, MN

Feb 13: Chan­dler Place Senior Liv­ing, St Antho­ny Vil­lage, MN

Feb 13: Steeple Cen­ter, Rose­mount, MN

Feb 15: Cam­panile Cen­ter for the Arts, Minoc­qua, WI

March 9: St John’s Luther­an School, Howard Lake, MN

April 6: 50th Wed­ding Anniver­sary, Waver­ly, IA

April 6: Daw­son-Boyd Arts Asso­ci­a­tion, Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um, Daw­son, MN

April 10/11: Heyde Cen­ter, Chippe­wa Falls, WI

April 18: Senior Expo, Winthrop, MN

April 20: Knights of Colum­bus Ladies Aux­il­iary Spring Con­ven­tion, New Prague, MN

April 21: St John’s Luther­an Church of Mound, MN

April 27: 90th Birth­day Par­ty, Min­neapo­lis, MN

May 2: The West The­atre, Duluth, MN

May 11: Ate­lier 1901, Plain­view, MN

May 18: Shakopee Com­mu­ni­ty Ed, Shakopee, MN

June 25: Val­ley Senior Liv­ing, Grand Forks, ND

July 16: Cross Luther­an Church, Roberts, WI

Aug 3: Wash­ing­ton Coun­ty Fair, Lake Elmo, MN

August 24: Cresco Opera House, Cresco, IA

August 25: Augus­tana Luther­an Church, Gib­bon, MN

Sept 30: Okto­ber­fest Ladies Day Lun­cheon, La Crosse, WI

Oct 5: Long Lake Luther­an, Isan­ti, MN

Oct 5: MACCRAY Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter, Clara City, MN

Nov 15: St Philip the Dea­con Luther­an Church, Ply­mouth, MN

Nov 17: Immanuel Luther­ans, Almelund, MN

Nov 24: Cresco Opera House, Cresco, IA

Dec 3: Trin­i­ty Luther­an Church, Eau Claire, WI

Dec 6: Ate­lier 1901, Plain­view, MN

Dec 6: Hol­i­daz­zle Event, Lord of Life, Ram­sey, MN

Dec 7: Word of Peace, MN

Dec 7: Shriner’s Twin Cities, Eagan, MN

Dec 10: Apple Val­ley Senior Cen­ter, Apple Val­ley, MN

Dec 12: Nokomis Senior Living

Dec 17: Sons of Nor­way, Waco­nia, MN

Dec 20: Cam­panile Cen­ter for the Arts, Minoc­qua, WI

Dec 21: Schauer Arts Cen­ter, Hart­ford, WI


March 22: South­ern Door Audi­to­ri­um, Brus­sels, WI

March 22: McComb Bruchs Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter, Wau­toma, WI

March 23: CAL Cen­ter, Reeds­burg, WI

April 13: Shel­don The­atre, Red Wing, MN

May 4: Par­adise Cen­ter for the Arts, Farib­ault, MN

May 7 and 8: Heyde Cen­ter, Chippe­wa Falls, WI

June 20: Java Quasqui­cen­ten­ni­al Cel­e­bra­tion, Java, SD

Oct 4: Reunion, Mt Olivet Retreat Cen­ter, Farm­ing­ton, MN

Nov 3: Siren, WI

Nov 19 and 20: Heyde Cen­ter, Chippe­wa Falls, WI

Dec 19: Sioux Rapids, IA

Where we’ve been: 

The Loonies have per­formed hun­dreds of shows across the coun­try. Here’s a sample:

Photo album: